National American Miss

Brittany Gordon's 2008 National Sponsor Tea


National American Miss -- Growing Confidence -- NAMiss
During the Washington State Pageant, held at Bellevue over the 2008 Labor Day Weekend, Brittany Gordon of Pomeroy was 3rd Runner-up in the Spokesmodel Competition and was named a State Ambassador for Program Participation and qualified for attending the National All American Pageant held at Disneyland during the Thanksgiving week. Brittany visited local merchants and got many of them to sponsor her participation at Nationals.. 

Brittany and her mother came up with the idea of having a fundraising tea at her mother's tea room -- The Buster House in Pomeroy. 

Some scenes from Brittany Gordon's National American Miss Sponsor Tea, October 2008

Here is Brittany with some of the many Pomeroy people who came to support her during her Tea.


Brittany Giving her Personal Introduction at her National American Miss Sponsor Tea, October 2008

"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen..." Brittany's Personal Introduction.


Some scenes from Brittany Gordon's National American Miss Sponsor Tea, October 2008

A couple of Brittany's supporters. Thanks!


Some of the people who attended Brittany's National American Miss Sponsor Tea, October 2008


Here is Brittany Gordon giving her Spokesmodel Speech at her National American Miss Sponsor Tea, October 2008

"Perseverence" is the subject of Brittany's Spokesmodel speech. She was third runner-up at the State level and is aiming to do even better at Nationals.


Some scenes from Brittany Gordon's National American Miss Sponsor Tea, October 2008

It wasn't all talking and performing at Brittany's Tea. She also served as the waitress.


Some of the people who attended Brittany's National American Miss Sponsor Tea, October 2008


Brittany Gordon singing and accompanying herself on the harp at her National American Miss Sponsor Tea, October 2008

Her talent at Nationals will be singing "The Last Rose of Summer," while accompanying herself on the harp.

Another picture of Brittany Gordon singing and accompanying herself on the harp at her National American Miss Sponsor Tea, October 2008


Some of the people who attended Brittany's National American Miss Sponsor Tea, October 2008


Brittany is writing her thank you notes to the many who attended her National American Miss Sponsor Tea, October 2008

Now the most important part. Writing the Thank You Letters.

You too can Become a Sponsor for Brittany at the 2008 National American Miss National Pageant

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