Brittany Gordon's First Christmas Stockings Service Project

Brittany Gordon with some of the Christmas stockings she assembled My name is Brittany Ann Gordon, and I am 10 years old. Here is the story of one of my service projects for National American Miss. 

Last Christmas (2003), I made stockings for all the kids under 18 whose families got baskets from the Food Bank. I made 22 stockings in all last year. I wanted to make them so kids who don't get many treats  could have some at Christmas time.

Brittany Gordon is cutting out the Christmas stockings.

I started the stockings by cutting them out of red felt. I traced my own stocking for the shape. I used pinking shears. Cutting them out was difficult at first -- then it got easier.

Brittany Gordon sewing together the Christmas stockings. My mom let me use her sewing machine to sew the stockings. It was fun sewing the stockings and they got easier to sew with each one I did.

Brittany Gordon filling the Christmas stockings she made. I filled the stocking with supplies like toys and candy. I got free tooth brushes for each stocking from my dentist, Dr. Smith. I bought a lot of stuff from the dollar store and I got candy, nuts, and oranges from Costco. It was fun to shop for the goodies and fill the stockings.

Brittany Gordon is distributing the Christmas stockings.

Louise Munday, director of Pomeroy's Food Bank,  shows me which boxes need stockings.


It feels good to do something for someone else and that is what Christmas is all about.

Thank you letter from the Garfield County Food bank


I received a nice thank you letter from the food bank for my Christmas Stockings.

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